The birth of the CSI on Saturday September 27, 1947 should have taken place in the St. George's Cathedral Madras, for it was from here that the initiative in this direction and to this end, was taken and pressed forward.
Thus it was that the Anglican Diocese of Madras in the Church of South India, with Bishop Hollis it first CSI Bishop.
The new CSI Diocese of Madras was a compact area comprising the city of Madras, Nellore, chinglepet, North and South Arcot and the Tamil speaking areas of Chitoor district. It had some 80,000 members, with 120 presbyters. It was second only to the Diocese of tinnevell in staff and membership. But the fact that this was Diocese which had inherited congregations from all the uniting traditions made it the all neighbouring eyes to see how the Union was going to be manifested in Unity.